Game Design Document

"You are not born with knowledge of the world; you must bumble around in the dark for a while before you can learn to turn lead into gold."

You're locked up in a cave, and you can only perceive the outside world through shadows. Your shady friend needs your help: he comes to you with recipes and ingredients, but he doesn't know much about alchemy. It's up to you to identify which ingredients are the right one for their potion recipe.


Thanks for checking this out! This is my first-ever game jam! I missed out on a couple days in the first week so this is maybe closer to like 9 days of work?

Its a lot less polished than I was hoping for but I think it still came together! I was restricted by WebGL for my liquid approximations, in editor I had 50 - 100 spotlights approximating the appearance of light refracting through a liquid, but for build I had to bring that down to 7 :\ 

Other things that I was saddened to find didn't work well with WebGL include: the low-pass filter on my music, and a pre-rendered animation for the menu screen :(

Anyways I had a lot of fun working on this!


"Musik Hintergrund" by dueg-oth, via Pixabay

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